Sunday, August 18, 2013


I've been reading in Mosiah these past few nights.. I've never really understood it until now. The first 6 chapters are amazing! There is so much doctrine to learn and absorb. It talks about missionary work, service, being a son and daughter of God. It hits everything! Mosiah might be my new favorite book in the good ol' Book of Mormon. Grateful for this little piece of heaven we have the opportunity to read. 

Side note: Went through the temple last week. I'm officially an adult in the church world! Honestly, it was pretty cool. Not as weird as everyone makes it seem. I'm so excited to go back and learn as much as I can! 

I Miss You

That's all. I just miss you. I know you're doing amazing things right now. And I'm so proud and excited for you. I just wish I could talk to you about it. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Less Than A Week

Until you are in my position, you have no clue how hard it is to look in your drawers and your closet and see all of your temple clothes and garments... And not be able to wear them yet. I am literally dying sitting here and wishing I could wear them. Only 6 more days. I can do this. 

Pray for me. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

After Hello

I have some weird fascination with books and some of the words said. This is one of my new finds from the book After Hello.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


I wish people could just see things as I see them. I wish they would understand them as I do. But alas, that's where agency comes in. 

I was out at dinner tonight with a friend. While sitting there, enjoying our breadsticks, some people next to us were talking about a man from work. They made a joke about how he has 10 kids, so he must be a Mormon. They then continued on to make a few subtle jokes about the Mormons and how we have so many wives and kids. This is one of those things that drives me crazy. Yes. Some of our prophets did have more than one wife. That is not longer the case though, and hasn't for a great while. Yes. There are some families that have quite a few kids. But is that your place to judge? 

I guess I just don't get it. These ladies have probably never been to a sacrament meeting. They've probably never really thought about how normal we as Latter-Day Saints are. Maggie and I decided to write a note to these women as we were walking out. We started off by saying thank you for serving our country. They were in the armed forces and have just gotten home. Following our thank you, we left a little friendly fact, just saying that not all Mormons have 10 kids and 6 wives. We are normal every day people. We also invited them to read The Book of Mormon and learn for themselves. We left the note on their table and walked out. Who knows? Maybe they sat and just laughed at us, or maybe we sparked something in them. Either way, we did our part. 

Another part of this post will be short and sweet. Okay... Maybe not so short. My apologies.  

Yes, people argue and disagree. We all have our own opinions and reasons for doing the things that we do. These past few weeks, I've been getting the cold shoulder from some friends. It's not a big deal, but it's dragged on far too long. We've both given our sides of the story and the reasoning of why we did some things. I just feel as though these friends aren't looking at it from my perspective. It has made it hard to try and fix things when both sides aren't open to discussion. Truth be told, I do miss my friends. But I'm not sitting around and waiting for them. I've said my peace, I've been upfront and honest about everything. When they decide to get off of their high horses and discuss things, we will. I'm happy to do it. But I won't put my opinion of the matter to the side. I stand by what I did and I'm not apologizing for it. I shouldn't have to. It's been rough without them by my side, but it's also taught me that I'm okay by myself. I don't need to talk to people constantly or always have something to do. 

I'm probably rambling quite a bit. Sorry about that. I just felt that I needed to get some of this out. Again, I wish we could all understand each others perspectives and how we think and deal with things. 

103 days until I leave. Bring it on.