Thursday, November 14, 2013

MTC Week 1

Okay. So the MTC Week 1.
I'm a daughter of a KING!
I just want to go hoooooooome.
When is dinner?
Ooo, cute elder!
Spanish? You expect me to learn a new language?
Really though... the MTC is magical. I see new things happening every single day. We have so much freedom over here on the new campus. So many things to do and see and new people to talk to. Your district becomes your family. Your zone becomes your closest friends. In about a week, we are losing most of our zone. I want to cry. We have all become so close in such a short time. You'll learn to love your comp, even if you don't like them. Trust me. I would know. 
Learning a language is really hard. Sometimes, you'll want to cry. Other times, a random teacher will pull you out of class because they feel impressed to talk to you and see whats wrong. Then you cry a little bit more. Really, SO FUN.
If you're going to be on a campus... West Campus is the place to be. We are all so friendly here! I love it! Everywhere you go, someone is smiling. Plus, we all speak the same language, so that's fun. You learn a lot faster that way.
You  learn quickly that P-day is the best day of the week. You get to go to the temple, go to lunch at random restaurants, chat with your whole zone, do your laundry, write home, and email. It goes by way too fast. 8 days later, you realize that you've been gone from home for over a week, and you're still kickin'. 

If you're considering serving, JUST DO IT. Really. What's stopping you? It's so much fun. It's hard work, and you really don't get breaks. But life just makes sense when you're here. The teachers are great, the Elderes y Hermanas are the happiest people ever. You just can't go wrong. 

Hermana Hamilton

**Hermana Hamilton ran into Elder Flynn her first day at the MTC.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

So Long, Farewell

Ladies and gents, I'm off to serve The Lord for 18 months! I couldn't be more excited to give my time and effort to this amazing gospel of Christ! While I'm out, my mothers best friend, my second mama, aka Angie, will be taking over my blog and posting for all those that would like to read! 
I know this church is the true church and I know that our Savior died for our sins and Joseph Smith is a true prophet. I can't wait to finally be out serving in Mexico City, the northwest mission. It will be an adventure of a lifetime. 
Thanks so much for all of the love and support! If you'd like to email me, my email address is 

Remember kids!
The church is true, and the book is blue!

Signing off for now, Hermana Hamilton

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Days, Weeks, Years

Two years ago, if you had asked me what I was going to do once I graduated high school, the answer would have been simple. I would be playing college soccer with my best friends. 

Well. Times change. 

Two years ago, if you had asked my friends or family if I was going on a mission, most of them would have replied with a resounding NO. 

One year ago, if you had asked me what I was doing once I graduated high school, I would have said I was leaving on a mission for my church. 

One year ago, if you had asked the kids I went to school with if I was going on a mission, they would have thought you were crazy. 

Seven months ago, I started my mission paperwork. All the appointments, interviews, and typing away. 

Five months ago, I submitted my mission paperwork to be looked over, and have a call assigned. 

Four months ago, I received a letter in the mail that told me where I would be living for eighteen months. 

Two weeks ago, I turned nineteen. The official mission age for girls. 

In three days, I report to the Provo Missionary Training Center to start my adventure as a representative for The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. 

In one and a half months, I will travel to Mexico City and start my official work in the field. 

Time. Such a funny little thing. It helps sort out every little detail of our lives. While some can't believe that I'm really leaving, others are pushing me out the door to go. 

While times have sometimes been tough, I can already see God's hand in not only my life, but the lives of my family. Choosing to serve was one of the easiest decisions of my life. It was also one of the hardest. 

Would I turn back time and reconsider my choice? Never. Not once. I couldn't be more excited to go and serve. The adversary works on you SO hard once you make the decision to give your life to The Lord. Many (almost all) can attest to that. But every little second has been worth it. 

I love this gospel. I love my Savior and Heavenly Father. I cannot wait to be an official, full time missionary for my church. My goal? To make some sort of difference in at least one persons life. I WILL accomplish this. 

Mexico City is my new home for a year and a half and I couldn't be more thrilled.