Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Well Hello There

I've been on an updating craze today. First, by finishing off my old blog (courtsoccerblogger.blogspot.com), second by putting up all of the graduation pictures I have on Facebook, and third by starting my new blog! It's been a very busy morning in the Hamilton household.
Okay not really. But that's not the point.
I feel like I need to do a brief intro of who I am for new readers. When I look at my old blogs statistics, I feel cool having readers from all over the world. So to all of you in a different country.. HELLO!
My name is Courtney Hamilton. My nickname is C-Shortney. I am 18 years old. I just graduated high school last week. I am the oldest of 3. I My sister is 12 and my brother is 16. I've lived in the same house for 10 years, and before that, a house in Clearfield for about 6. We don't get out much.. I'm really into soccer. I have played for 12 years. I ended my soccer career last November. I had other things I needed to put my time and focus into. It was hard to be done, but I know it will be so worth it. I have bursitis in both of my hips, tendinitis in my knees and ankles, and chronic sprained ankles. The joys of sports. I do miss it so much. If you know me, you know I keep up to date on all of the USWNT games and stats. That's my thing. My friends probably think it's annoying.. I think it's the greatest thing in the world.
I am currently preparing to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am submitting my papers on the 23rd of June and am hoping to be out by the end of October. I haven't always been the most active member of my church. But this last year, I have really come out of that and am making a huge effort to be an example to those around me. I can't wait to finally be out there and serve others.
My favorite color is red. Favorite ice cream is Moose Tracks. I love chick flicks and comedies. I can be the most caring person in the world, or I can make you feel like an idiot. It's a great talent.. really. I can press my throat down to make it look like I'm a frog. My friends think it's cool. I think it's annoying. I have a lot of different 'best' friends. I have my Fab Four, which consists of my girls from my old soccer team. I have a friend from Brigham who I think the world of and consider a best friend. I have Emily George and Jaycee Brown. My two girl friends. My ONLY two girl friends. When we tell people we don't hang out with anyone else... we really don't. Jeffrey Herbert, my bff and porcupine for the last 2 years. Some of these kids have made a ridiculously awesome impact in my life. I don't know what I would do without them.
When I return from my mission, I'm planning to go to school to become a social worker. I want to help people so much. If I could just serve people for the rest of my life, I would. But... I have to worry about making SOME sort of money for my future.  
All of my friends are leaving in the next few months to go and serve. I am so excited for them! I am being called to work in the primary of my home ward in the next few weeks. I love little kids. This is going to be an adventure, I can already tell.

Well... now you know me at least a little bit! Over the next few months/years, you'll read about my friends, family, mission, and everything to come after that.

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