Sunday, July 14, 2013

Primary Kids

I've been called as a primary teacher in my ward recently. And can I just say how much I absolutely adore little kids? 

During sacrament meeting today, my best friend (who is 5) ran up to me and came to sit with my family during the rest of the meeting. I tell her basically everything. I love her to pieces. She is my little Bug. 
This is one of the many pictures she and I took while watching fireworks on the 4th of July. Obviously we are exactly alike. 

Anywho, I went with her to primary, then was asked to sit with the sunbeams. I haven't been called to a certain class yet, so I go and sit in with different teachers. There were 5 kids in our class today. 4 boys, and one little girl who happens to be my neighbor. One of the boys, Braxton, had a fishing line and an action figure tied to the end. He "went fishing" the whole time we were in singing time. I was busting up. He kept turning to me and asking if he was doing good. CUTE. Then there is my favorite.. Evan. We became the best of buds today. He is super crazy and loud. But what do you expect from a 3 year old? We made funny faces, gave high fives, and played the quiet game all during the second hour. Evan and Trenton started play fighting, so that was a whole mess to deal with. 

After singing time, we headed to our classroom. Five 3 year olds running around a church turns in to a game of hide and go seek. Have no fear, we found them all. Our lesson was on families and they actually paid attention for most of the hour! I sat next to Trenton during class. He was so funny. He kept giving me high fives and making crazy sounds. At the end of class, when everyone was coloring, he came and gave me the biggest hug. After the lesson, we colored, sang, danced, and "fished" with Braxton. He had to teach us all how to do it. It was one of the funnest days I've had at church in awhile. 

The main reason for this post is for what happened as I was saying goodbye to one of the kids. Evan's older sister, Ellie, came to pick him up and take him to their parents. I went to let him out and he turned around and gave me a hug. He then turned to his sister and said, "I love her!" CUTEST THING EVER. Basically my heart melted and the other teacher stood there, baffled. Evan hasn't ever said that to any of the other teachers he's been with.

 I take this as one of the biggest compliments I have ever received. Yes, it was from a 3 year old... But it was exactly what I needed to hear. That little boy was the blessing that I needed today. I absolutely love primary and those little sunbeams. They have so much life and they are the sweetest spirits. I can't wait to go back next week and see them all again. 

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