Saturday, July 6, 2013

Welcome To The Real World

Oh my goodness gracious. I have never been this tired in my life. I have no down time anymore. I should be doing homework right now. Or laundry. Or reading my scriptures. Or sleeping. But I needed to just write some shtuff.
I hate the real world. There is so much to do in about NO time. I work two jobs, am doing a college course, all while trying to prepare for my mission. Plus, my mom was just laid off and my cousins from the other side of the country are here. Welcome to my life. It's great.
Side note. I really do have a good life. I know my sarcasm makes it seem like my life sucks, but I really am so blessed.

I'm working at Cherry Berry, a frozen yogurt shop. I'm also working at Deseret Book. Which is an amazing place to be. I love everyone there and I love the atmosphere. There is never a dull moment. I love working because I feel like I'm actually doing something for myself. School on the other hand can go drown. I don't know why I decided to take a summer course. I have no time for it and I'm not even that invested in online schooling. I hate it.

Between everything going on right now, I have no social life. Ask Emily and Jaycee... I haven't hung out with them in forever. I think I've hung out with Cameron Dower more than my two best girl friends. Ugh. It sucks. To top everything off, I have 4 months to prepare for my mission. This includes getting a passport, visa, and actually accepting my mission call. Oops.. I should probably get around to that.

This is what growing up really feels like. Making the executive decision to not go and waste money on a movie or lunch out and about just because I feel like it. Not getting to really hang out with friends. Having to be the responsible one and go home early because you worked a late night and an early morning. I'm so exhausted. I just want someone to come and watch movies with me while I slowly fall asleep. That would be great.

I'm so excited that I'm finally becoming an adult in the world. It's just a lot more tiring than I thought it would be.

In the words of Rosi Goslan...

It's been a long day. And all I gotta say is make it strong.

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