Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I should probably act like I actually care about my blog. Because in all reality, I love this stupid thing. Sometimes I'm fantastic at posting, other times, I tend to procrastinate.
I know. Strike me down. 
But seeing as I leave in a week, seven days, 168 hours, I figured I should post a tad bit. 

This last week has been the emotional week from the underworld. 
I'm not kidding. 

Between packing up my room, packing my bags, my best friends surprising me, speaking at the adult session of stake conference, and everything in the middle, my emotions have been more up and down than an anxious persons heartbeat. 

Packing the room:
Secretly, this was one of the big things I was waiting to cross off the "To Do List". I got rid of SO much junk and useless stuff. It was fabulous! I really had to sit back and think about what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to throw away or give away. Going through pictures, old notebooks, soccer uniforms, junk drawers, it was all a lot to take in. It hit me that I was leaving my life, all that I'd known for 19 years, behind. So many times I would pick up a random object that needed to be sorted and I would just reminisce about who I used to be and what I spent my time doing. It was like my own time capsule. Something that no one but myself would understand. 

Packing my bags: 
There is a chance that my bags have been packed for almost a week and a half.. Sue me. I like to be prepared. Mama H and I keep going over lists and discussing how best to fit the next year and a half of my life in 3 little bags. It's a struggle. All of you missionaries or soon-to-be missionaries will understand. #thestruggleisreal After countless hours of shopping for makeup and sewing supplies and every medical remedy that has been created, we are done. I have about 5 more things on my list that need to be packed, but they can wait until the morning of. It's scary to walk into my mothers office and see my life sitting there. It makes me wonder if I really have everything that I will need. 

Best Friend Surprise of a Lifetime:
Friday, October 25th, I was given the greatest surprise of all time. As I was sitting packing up my room with my mom, my friend Katelyn (Fab Four) kept texting me. Asking how packing was and what I was doing. She kept texting and texting and she was acting SO strange. My moms best friend, my second mom, Angie, who had been helping us pack, had just left. As I was showing my mom a few necklaces and deciding which to keep, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I thought, "Oh, it's just Ang. She must have forgotten something." But as I turned out of my doorway, my three best friends all came walking towards me. I started screaming out of pure shock and joy. 
Now, you might be thinking that this isn't cool. That this is a daily occurrence. Well... You would be greatly wrong. You see, about three months ago, two of my best friends left for school in Nebraska, and another friend ventured up to Logan to start school. That left me here, alone, while preparing for my mission. And let me tell you something... Sitting home alone while your friends are all in college and living on their own is ROUGH. The adversary works on you like nobody's business AND you feel like you have no one to talk to. It's like a double whammy. 
Anywho. Back to the story. 
So. My friends walk towards me, I break down into tears as do they. It was emotional. 

The last time I saw these girls and we were all together, we were saying goodbye to each other at our old stomping grounds, Riverdale Park. We didn't think we would see each other again before I left. It was heartbreaking. But Brittany and Sydnee made the 8 hour drive, starting at 8 o'clock Thursday night, and drove all the way through until 4:30 Friday morning. Katelyn came home from Utah State. All to surprise ME. 
You can't look at my friends and say they aren't the greatest people on earth. Seriously. I love them. I canceled all my plans, we drove to Park City (where the Fab Four started), shopped, ate cereal and cookies, and had a phenomenal vacation. 
Saturday morning, we woke up and went to Britts restuarant. Squids family and Britts dad were there. 
Let me tell you something. Saying goodbye to those amazing people was one of the hardest things. They've been around since I can remember. They've loved me since the day I joined the team. I will forever be grateful for the love they've had for me and the support I've always received from them. 
After a lunch at Scaddy's, we went to Salt Lake. More importantly, we went to Build-a-Bear. There is a great chance that we are way too old to be making stuffed animals. But we needed to. And we really didn't care what anyone thought. We all got the same bear, dressed to our own likings, and stuffed them. The girls made a voice recording and put it in my bear. It was of each of them saying something to me, then ending in a Fab Four sign off. I got a little white shirt and they all wrote their nicknames on it. Now I will have them with me while I serve in Mexico. I couldn't ask for anything better. 
I can guarantee that no one will ever understand the love I have for these three girls. They were my only friends when I had no one back in Syracuse. They were my family. My support. My comedians. My teammates. Everything in between. I will forever be grateful for the lasting impression they have left on me. 18 months isn't so long. We will be reunited soon. 

Thank you to the best best friends and sisters I could ask for. I love you. #fabfour #o4l

Speaking in the Adult Session of Stake Conference:
Coolest. Thing. Ever. 
I thought I was done speaking, seeing as I had already given my farewell. 
I was wrong. 
Shocker. *insert annoyed face*

At first, I was so confused as to why they wanted ME to speak in the adult session. I could understand speaking in the general session Sunday. But adults? I was the youngest one there by at LEAST 10 years. 
Seriously. I think my stake presidency just gets a kick out of having me speak at everything. 
 I spoke on faith, mission prep, and PMG. (Preach My Gospel for those who have no clue what I'm saying.) Ask me if I prepared to speak at all? 
If you guessed no, 
Really though. I just stood up and decided to wing it. And it rocked. Honestly, the best talk I've ever given. And now? I feel more prepared than ever to leave and serve The Lord. I'm secretly so grateful for the opportunity I had to speak at conference. It was so neat and I learned SO much from it. 

I'm ready, guys. I'm so excited to finally be out in the field serving. I know that this is the next step I need to take in my life. Though it will be challenging and difficult and sometimes I will feel like I can't do it, I know that by putting my trust in our Father in Heaven and his son, Jesus Christ, I will be able to help someone come closer to their Savior. I will be able to make a difference in someone's life. I couldn't be more excited to head to Mexico City and serve. 
I report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on November 6th, 2013 at 1 o'clock to start an adventure of a life time. 

Remember kids, 
The church is true
The book is blue

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