Monday, September 2, 2013

Lacking and Slacking

My deepest apologies, ladies and gents. I used to be so on top of keeping up with my blog. But as of late, I haven't been posting really anything meaningful or noteworthy. I give my most sincere apologies.

What is new, you ask?
(Okay. Maybe you didn't ask that. Just go along with it.)
Well, my lovely readers, there is much to say that has begun! As you know, I have my mission call.

Mexico City Northwest sisters, can I get an AMEN!

I've met two girls now going to my mission. And the nice young gentleman that tested my language a few weeks ago also served in the beautiful city. Heavenly Father knew that I was going to be an anxious-basket case if I arrived in Mexico not knowing one person or knowing anything about the area. That's why, thankfully, He set it up that I would meet my new Sister (see what I did there? Sister... Sister Missionaries.. ah I'm so funny!), Jaclyn! I like to believe that we were friends before this life.

*Story time*
So. I opened my mission call. Freaked out. Came to terms with it. Hashtagged #mexicomexicocitynorthwest on the good old Instagram. And what else popped up with that lovely hashtag? ANOTHER MISSIONARY PICTURE. There was only one other. So you see why I was so excited. Me, being the creep I am, commented on this young fellows photo (it was a picture of him and my home girl, Jaclyn) and said I was going to the same mission! From there, Jaclyn and I texted and after about 2 minutes of talking, I decided that this was going to be a good friendship. We were already acting like friends that had known each other for years. By some weird fate, she had a bridal party in Roy the following Saturday. I wasn't home, but made the joke that her and her parents could come visit me at the good old DB. Yeah. They did. Thankfully, she's just as outgoing as I am, so meeting wasn't awkward. We continued to text and get to know each other. We decided we wanted to go out for lunch in the next week. We picked on a day and that was that. Not even 5 minutes later, she texted me saying we should go do baptisms at the Bountiful temple if we were going to already be there. Funny thing is, I was telling my mom how I was planning on going to do baptisms after lunch already. This made me laugh so hard. Obviously we are supposed to be friends. Since that day, we've been great friends. She leaves a few weeks before I do, but we should be able to catch each other for about a week in the MTC. She's pavin' the way in Mexico. I refer to her as mi futuro companero. I can't wait for us both to be on Mexican soil and teaching and preaching our way into peoples hearts.

Other than that, I work my life away. CB (Cherry Berry) and DB (Deseret Book) are working me to the b-o-n-e. It's nice to earn some money, but I do miss having a social life. I have about 2 friends I could call up right this second and just talk to. Mags, because she's great. And my good friend Brennan. But ya know.. he works everyday as well. So we only talk late at night or early in the morning. I just have to remember... quality. NOT quantity. Mags has been great. During times of stress, she has really stepped up and been the friend that I need. Plus she's an awesome role model to my little sister. Brennan is just as great. He keeps me laughing when I'm struggling. He's great to hang out with and talk to at 2 in the a.m.

I've learned a lot about myself these last few weeks. I don't take crap from people. I can handle being on my own. I really like to shop and buy skirts and shirts and dresses. Regular music makes me sick to my stomach. #hilaryweeksforthewin. 90% of my friends are over the age of 20. I can't really date anymore. As much as I love boys and imagine myself dating them, I just can't do it. I don't get anything from it these days. SO THAT'S GREAT. I miss my soccer sisters. Things were always easier when I could go to them for help. But ya know, growing up and moving away to schools changes things. Thankfully we are pretty good about keeping up with each other.

I promise that I will try to stay on top of my posting game. I mean... I only have 65 days until I leave. I need to make sure I leave SOMETHING good behind.

With the end of this post, I feel like I need to finish with something random and hopefully helpful to someone:

You are great. I don't care how many times you've been told that. Believe it at least this one time. I believe in YOU. You are here for a reason, and you have a purpose. God knew that you were going to be a force to reckon with. That's why He saved you for this day and age. Please don't give up. Don't give up on yourself, your dreams, all the things you're working for. None of it. It's worth it. YOU are worth it. I love you. Never, ever, ever, forget that.

Until next time, sleep well, all. Say your prayers. Remember who you are and what you stand for.

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