Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ah, the mission. 6/16/14

Hello, one and all! How are ya? Great, Im sure.

Hermana Gomez and I have lived our first week together and we didnt die. So I am counting that as a successful week. We have 3 baptisms coming up. On the 28th, Dani and Ale are getting baptized. They are my FAVORITE people. So adorable, these little girls. They are so excited for their baptism. Dani, the 12 year old, has a lot of worries about the water and all that, but we are working with her, little by little, to overcome her fear. Ale is super excited. She wants to serve a mission when she gets older. She always loves to use my nametag. Its adorable. Pictures in a minute. Ramon is getting baptized on the 5th. He and his wife came with us to stake conference yesterday, and they LOVED it. Our ward is doing everything possible to help us right now. They are really involved in the work. They love to go out and work with us alllllll the time. Our bishop is the coolest. He pulled me aside again the other day to tell me they havent had a sister missionary like me yet. He is so excited for all the work that we are doing. AND he thinks Im funny. Winner, Winner, chicken dinner. 

With this being our first week together, Im starting to teach Hermana Gomez how to teach. And Im not saying I know everything. Thats far from the truth. Together, we are learning a lot. But when we are in a lesson, or doing practices, and she uses one of my examples? I get so excited. My confidence has grown SO much here in the mission. I am completely different than I was at home. Yes, I still burp and spit like a man like I did at home, and Im not afraid to tell someone what Im thinking (you know me.. direct), but I have become more of an adult. I actually think before I speak or act. It seems to work out nicely. 

I hit 6 months here in Mexico, today. I have 7 and a half months in my mission. Im sorry, but where did time go?? With all of the problems I have had here, time has FLOWN by. I dont want it to go by so fast. Im trying to enjoy it and do all I can while I have this time. Vallejo is going to grow. We are going to do serious work here. With the elders, we have 15 baptisms in June and July planned. Bishop AND President promised to buy us dinner in any resturant that we want after we hit this goal. I am so stoked.

All in all, the mission is great. My comp is adorable. My area is fabulous. Our members love us. Our investigators are getting baptized.. I cant think of anything better. I love you all, I love this gospel, and I love being a missionary.

Les amo con todo mi corazon,
Hermana Hamilton

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